Spiritual~Energy Cleansing

Rose of Jericho Abundance Plant

The Rose of Jericho is a spiritual plant with amazing abilities and uses. Its most famous for being known as the “resurrection plant” for its quality of coming back to life. The plant when not in water curls up into a dry ball and when supplied again with water the plant magically opens up with beautiful fern like leaves.

In spiritual practices, its used for:

Bringing peace, prosperity and abundance to a home or business

Protects against illness and all type of negative energies and vibrations

Used as a type of holy water to bless people and objects.

How to work with your Rose of Jericho plant:

There are many ways to work with your Jericho Rose. First find a bowl for the plant to fit in.

Hold the plant in your hands for a few minutes before you place it into the bowl, sit and pray, meditate to set intention for how you desire the Jericho Rose to hold space for your home or office.

Next place the Rose in the bowl and add water.

Every week (or whenever necessary) change the water.

As always, happy healing and love to you.


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